Friday, November 16, 2012


i won an award. yes, an actual ribbon award. awarded to me by my darling sister mandi.  i think this must be love? possibly. i guess you could say we might be eternal. who knows. miss mandi is who got me into the blogging world. while im sitting over here being a band wagon, there goes mandi looking so cool and fly. she's real neat, and stuff.

(Although most have already set a post & been tagged already, i havent. A decision to jump onto the band wagon is necessary at this time, soo here goes...)

here's the chiz. 

rules are as follows. 
1. everybody posts eleven (11) facts about themselves. 
2. answer the questions asked by nominator & come up with eleven (11) to ask other spontaneous bloggers. 

megs tells the world some facts:
1. being awkward is my passion. some may think its an act, buut quite frankly, it's just how i am.
2. tell me your favorite music is rap and you might as well just rip my heart out of my chest. 
3. when i'm bored, I eat. it's an addictive obsession of mine, it might even be considered unhealthy. 
4. i've always wanted to be considered a hipster, but i'm too much of a fit in to become one. 
5. brandon flower's voice gives me tingles inside. 
6. i'm always dtc (down to cuddle), its a guilty weakness.
7. i hate wearing pants, i believe that pants shouldn't be considered an essential part of an everyday outfit.
8. despite my seminary attendance, i do believe in the mormon religion and jesus christ. 
9. i love to write. in fact, i would love to take up the career as a journalist someday.  
10. social media is my addiction, its defiantly a problem.
11. the thrill of horror movies excites me, besides the fact that everytime i watch one, i have nightmares for days and sleep with the lights on with christmas music playing in the background. 

Miss Mandi's questions:
1. if you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be? Nicholas Sparks. i would want him to hook me up with a beautiful human being like the ones described in his books. 
2. what is your patronus? please explain in two or three sentences. a raccoon. they seem cute and cuddly on the outside, but once they're pissed off, there's no turning back. in times of trouble, a raccoon would destroy anything in its way. of course it would be the one animal to help save my life.
3. favorite time of day & why? Whenever the sun in setting. I believe that a sunset is God's way of letting us know he's there.

4. what is your favorite thing to do by yourself? Being wrapped up in a blanket, drinking a hazlenut hot chocolate and listening to some good indie music. 
5. crayons, colored pencils, or markers? crayons is a definite. who doesn't like a crayon filled coloring book? something about the wax untinsils just make me go nuts. 
6. favorite quote & what it means to you? "The brave don't live forever. but the cautious don't live at all." just live your life the way you want. if someone judges you for your lifestyle or has a different plan set in mind? fine. but that shouldn't change the way you live yours. 
7. if you could meet anybody in the blogging world who would it be? (please leave a link.) im not much of a blog follower thus far, but i am yet to become one. Blog stalking the popular is on my list of things to do. 
8. what do you want to name your first child? Remington for a girl, we'd call her Remi. or Freya, we'd call her Fey. For a boy, Finn or Milo. 
9. what is your "go to" comfort food? it's all about the banana cream pie shake from sammy's with a side of some battered fries. that is the only thing my friend, that one can never get enough of. 
10. who is your hero & why? My dad. Growing up, i always looked up to him as my hero, and that has never changed since. i'm proud to announce that he is my best friend. & Lionel Messi-he is what motivates me to keep playing soccer and to have a love for the beautiful game. 
11. what is your favorite family tradition. Christmas Eve Tamale dinner. although all the extended family and us do is yell and fight with each other, our Christmas Eve dinner always brings good memories. and danggg, we're good good cooks. 

Answer These if you must: 
1. If there was one celebrity crush that you could marry, whom would it be?
2. What would be your future career?
3. If you only had one more week to live, what would be the top 3 things you would do? 
4. Biggest pet peve you know only bothers you.
5. Rainy days; what do you enjoy doing?
6. Death Cab or Relient K?
7. Favorite Kellogs Cereal.
8. You have a one way ticket to anywhere in the world. Where would you go?
9. Favorite place to get away and think?
10. What band do you listen to when you most when you are having a bad day?
11. What is one thing you believe strongly about?
(please leave a few song ideas).

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