Thursday, March 29, 2012

everybody's doing it.

Everybody's doing it, soo why not? rules of the game so no one gets lost.
2. post a photo and 11 random things about yourself.
3. answer questions that were given you by tagger.
4. ask some questions for those you tag to answer
5. tag some people to do this all over again.

Facts about Me:
1. If it wasn't for hot pockets and top ramen, i'd probably starve to death.
2. soccer is my life. i wouldn't be me without it.
3. I love the sound of running water.
4. Long showers are the things i look forward to everyday.
5. I sing and dance before every soccer game, it's my motivation.
6. Walking around in bare feet is the best feeling in the world.
7. Sugar daddys and starbursts are my guilty pleasure.
8. someday i will attend college at UCLA
9. my biggest fear is sharks, giving birth and becoming fat.
10. i love love love a man with personality & a good style.
11. i want to get married and become a mom.

Questions from Karina:
1. who do you look up to and why? My dad because he is the best anyone could ask for. I can always count on him to be sitting on the bleachers at each one of my soccer games.
2. what do you want to be when you grow up? a new york times journalist, you know, like in the movies.
3. favorite girl name? Lillian or Hadley. Unique but cute. and favorite boy? Crew or Traxton. they're just hott names alright?
4. favorite song currently? Somebody I used to know by Gotye. (props to maddy for that)
5. what makes you happy? the sun and the feeling of being tan.
6. if you had three wishes what would they be? 1. Shopping Spree of no money limit. 2. To meet channing tatum, he is the love of my life. 3. Straight A's without having to work for them..
7. favorite icecream? definitely cake batter from coldstone. its what heaven tastes like.
8. whats a happy or funny memory? My first pair of soccer cleets. I walked around the house in them for days.
9. what was your favorite tv show as a kid? pb&j otter. the talking purple sea otters taught me about bed bugs.
10. favorite color? hmm, hott pink. it makes me feel spunky.
11. if you could meet a famous person who would it be and why? definitely channing tatum so i could run my hands down his washboard abbs. or nicki minaj because she is a genius.

Questions for the tagged:
1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
2. What do you wish to accomplish before you die?
3. The Vow or The Notebook?
4. What's the first thing you look for in a guy?
5. Favorite clothing item?
6. Where do you like to eat out?
7. Whats one thing you wish you could bring back that you did as a child?
8. Miranda Sings or Glozell?
9. Whats the best thing you have ever eaten?
10. A movie you can watch over and over without getting sick of it?

Tagged: You.
Yes you.
Get on this.
everybody's doing it.

xo. Megs.

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